Category: Candidate Spotlight

Candidate Spotlight: Chad Shields

  On the hunt for your next great gig? Introducing our new Candidate Spotlight! Sign up HERE for your chance to be featured on our monthly Candidate Spotlight. Get in front of thousands …

Candidate Spotlight: Joel McGee

Get in front of thousands of potential employers who might be looking for positions to fill. JOEL MCGEE Joel McGee is an Emmy® award-winning Executive Producer, Show Runner, Writer, and …

Candidate Spotlight: Dave Byer

Get in front of thousands of potential employers who might be looking for positions to fill. Sign up to be featured next below! DAVE BYER New York-based aspiring creative with …

Candidate Spotlight: Zoe James

Get in front of thousands of potential employers who might be looking for positions to fill. ZOE JAMES Zoe James, a liberation storyteller originating from Connecticut, possesses a versatile skill …

Candidate Spotlight: Jiwon Lee

Get in front of thousands of potential employers who might be looking for positions to fill. JIWON LEE Born in Korea, raised in Malaysia and China, and currently based in …