What is HRTS Associates?


The HRTS Associate Membership is our newest and fastest-growing group within HRTS. Founded in 2016, HRTSA is designed for mid-career professionals such as mid-level agents, managers, attorneys, publicists, producers, directors, writers, and executives interested in networking, mentorship, and educational opportunities. This is the membership segment for people at a career level between JHRTS and HRTS Executive membership, providing peer-level events and activities key to advancement in our industry.

Associate Member Benefits
Cost: $125.00 Annual Membership

  • Access to all HRTS Associates activities/panels and premier networking events
  • Exclusive educational roundtables with industry leaders
  • Opportunity to apply to the HRTS Mentorship Program
  • Ability to purchase tickets to all HRTS events
  • Complimentary access to HRTS Virtual events
  • Complimentary access to HRTS online video: live streams and on-demand HRTS panels
  • HRTS Member Perks (best-available rates for partner conferences, events, and subscriptions)
  • Complimentary access to the HRTS D&I Resource Guide
  • Opportunity for inclusion in the upcoming HRTS Member Directory