JHRTS News & Updates – July

JHRTS LogoOur first Board meeting with our new Board members and new Co-Presidents took place on Monday July 19 at 8pm in a conference room at UTA. Dave Ferrara, Jennie Nevin, and Ruzzo Martinelli from HRTS kindly attended and presented to the group explaining their role and their ability to help in our endeavors. We also elected a new Secretary (Jeff Vaughn), Treasurer (Stephen Cousineau), and Holiday Party Co-Chairs (Missy Machala and Carmen Wong).

JHRTS Co-PresidentsIn addition, Ryan Draizin and Stephen Cousineau are planning a TV Directors Panel for later this month and my Co-president, Sam Miller, is planning a roundtable for August with esteemed TV writer, Chad Gervich. We are also in the process of planning a Westside mixer for those assistants who never go east of the 405. Our upcoming mixer on August 3 and panel August 12 are a partnership with AJ Tesler and the Independent Television Festival. The flyer for the mixer is shown below and it should be a great event for both education and networking.

Lastly, we have so many colleagues and so much business taking place in New York that we have gotten the ball rolling on starting a JHRTS NY program. I am overseeing the process of choosing a NY based board and planning an inaugural mixer and panel in the Big Apple. We are excited to expand the organization to the East Coast and are confident it will be a great success not only in increasing networking across the nation, but also increasing and possibly doubling the overall JHRTS membership.

JHRTS August Mixer